Saturday, February 7, 2009

Avoid armpit and sweat smell!

Got a problem Bau Agency (BB) is not good, especially if being naksir gebetan. Wah runyam can help matters. Many ways to overcome this BB, which certainly do not wait until the people around you menjauh. It's now starting to be more sure and confident to interact. And of the naksir doi dong ....

Sweat is actually issued by the sweat gland of the people all since birth. However, in puberty, sweat gland becomes more active and start removing the substance-specific chemical substances, so removing the sweat smell stronger. Bau-bauan which typically occur mainly under the armpit, leg, and genital parts.

So not surprisingly when the sweat and body odor is often a problem for everyone. Excessive production of sweat, body odor and is a very sting can make you become less confident. In the article Hygiene Basics, Kathleen M. Cronan, MD disentangle the various ways that can be used to overcome the problem and the smell of sweat.

According to Kathleen, the first thing to note is:

Hygiene # body as a whole.
The best way to keep the body is of course the bath every day with soft soap and warm water. This will help remove all the bacteria that cause odor. Use a soap containing antiseptic.

# Do not forget to clean the body, especially in the armpit area. Because the origin of the BB from there. Axilla can cause the BB do not feel can be as many bacteria that congregate in the area.

# Always wearing lingerie, clothing, and clean socks every day.
Cotton could be the best option for those who sweat a lot, because this is the type of materials that most effectively absorb sweat. Keep the body and clothes of course not merely the issue only excessive perspiration and body odor that is not tasty, but very influential on the child's health thoroughly.

2 x bath day
2 x bath day
# After the police body, try using products such as deodorant or antiperspirant, deodorant and perfume. Antiperspirant-deodorant dry up even stop working transpiration under the armpit, usually shaped roll-on, stick, powder or cream Tabur. Meanwhile, deodorant and perfume to cover the work wanginya sweat smell, can be applied in different parts of the body and clothing as needed. Usually shaped deodorant or perfume spray, liquid or gel.

# Type of deodorant used, if possible do not use the manifold burket (porridge axilla). Because of the acute sense of the axilla, usually burket will discolor axilla.

# Do not use deodorant if you're sweating. Because it will cause the armpit wet look, will also cause the odor is less objectionable. Ideally, basuh axilla and dry first, a new use deodorant. Result, the axilla will be felt more refreshing.

# Most important and must be remembered, do not let the wool oxter too long. Always cut or shave armpit feathers to look more clean and tidy. Oxter fur is too long will be the place bersarangnya germs BB.

Use deodorant to cover the smell
Use deodorant to cover the smell
# It must be remembered, keep eating patterns. Avoid eating spicy foods, and many contain garlic, onion and red onion. Because the three types of vegetables, if consumed in the number of lots will stimulate the number of sweat that will lead to the emergence BB.

A large choice of type, shape, fragrance brands and also price wewangian could create confusion. In fact all the same, said Kathleen. Make sure not to be affected on the famous, expensive prices, especially on the ads that make sure that they will not have a friend or boyfriend if you do not use the products.

Select the appropriate wewangian comfort and personal taste. Can assist people when choosing, but the decision on the choice of their own. Remember that cleanliness is the main stay. Do not be lazy to clean them up just because it was already free from the sweat and body odor with wewangian or deodorant.



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We'll use your suggestion to improve translation quality in future updates to our system. Got a problem Bau Agency (BB) is not good, especially if being naksir gebetan. Wah runyam can help matters. Many ways to overcome this BB, which certainly do not wait until the people around you menjauh. It's now starting to be more sure and confident to interact. And of the naksir doi dong ....

Sweat is actually issued by the sweat gland of the people all since birth. However, in puberty, sweat gland becomes more active and start removing the substance-specific chemical substances, so removing the sweat smell stronger. Bau-bauan which typically occur mainly under the armpit, leg, and genital parts.

So not surprisingly when the sweat and body odor is often a problem for everyone. Excessive production of sweat, body odor and is a very sting can make you become less confident. In the article Hygiene Basics, Kathleen M. Cronan, MD disentangle the various ways that can be used to overcome the problem and the smell of sweat.

According to Kathleen, the first thing to note is:

Hygiene # body as a whole.
The best way to keep the body is of course the bath every day with soft soap and warm water. This will help remove all the bacteria that cause odor. Use a soap containing antiseptic.

# Do not forget to clean the body, especially in the armpit area. Because the origin of the BB from there. Axilla can cause the BB do not feel can be as many bacteria that congregate in the area.

# Always wearing lingerie, clothing, and clean socks every day.
Cotton could be the best option for those who sweat a lot, because this is the type of materials that most effectively absorb sweat. Keep the body and clothes of course not merely the issue only excessive perspiration and body odor that is not tasty, but very influential on the child's health thoroughly.

2 x bath day
2 x bath day
# After the police body, try using products such as deodorant or antiperspirant, deodorant and perfume. Antiperspirant-deodorant dry up even stop working transpiration under the armpit, usually shaped roll-on, stick, powder or cream Tabur. Meanwhile, deodorant and perfume to cover the work wanginya sweat smell, can be applied in different parts of the body and clothing as needed. Usually shaped deodorant or perfume spray, liquid or gel.

# Type of deodorant used, if possible do not use the manifold burket (porridge axilla). Because of the acute sense of the axilla, usually burket will discolor axilla.

# Do not use deodorant if you're sweating. Because it will cause the armpit wet look, will also cause the odor is less objectionable. Ideally, basuh axilla and dry first, a new use deodorant. Result, the axilla will be felt more refreshing.

# Most important and must be remembered, do not let the wool oxter too long. Always cut or shave armpit feathers to look more clean and tidy. Oxter fur is too long will be the place bersarangnya germs BB.

Use deodorant to cover the smell
Use deodorant to cover the smell
# It must be remembered, keep eating patterns. Avoid eating spicy foods, and many contain garlic, onion and red onion. Because the three types of vegetables, if consumed in the number of lots will stimulate the number of sweat that will lead to the emergence BB.

A large choice of type, shape, fragrance brands and also price wewangian could create confusion. In fact all the same, said Kathleen. Make sure not to be affected on the famous, expensive prices, especially on the ads that make sure that they will not have a friend or boyfriend if you do not use the products.

Select the appropriate wewangian comfort and personal taste. Can assist people when choosing, but the decision on the choice of their own. Remember that cleanliness is the main stay. Do not be lazy to clean them up just because it was already free from the sweat and body odor with wewangian or deodorant.

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1 comments: on "Avoid armpit and sweat smell!"

BEBAS TRIK said...

sekedar nmumpang lewat bro... dan nambahin dollar tuhh...
jangan lupa pumya gua yahh...tambahin juga

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